Update on issues with the R2515 Airspace Management office and our Jan launch
Launch Sat 11 Nov is a go!
We have recieved approval for our launch on 11 Nov 2017 at 0900. For instructions on how to get to the launch site, please check out our info page here: http://www.skarclub.org/launch-information/
October Launch Information
Hey everyone,
Just got confirmation for the October launch. This month the launch will be Sunday, Oct 15th from 0900 to 1400. We have an approved ceiling of 10,000 AGL. You can find directions to the launch site here: http://www.skarclub.org/launch-information/
If you have any questions, please let us know! As per normal, you can make purchases from http://bayarearocketry.com/ For delivery options select launch site pickup and in the notes write that it is for SKAR launch pickup in mojave. Be sure to let me (Chris) or Kevin know as if we have stuff to pickup we can pick yours up also. Looking forward to seeing you all out there!
Also, our build session this month will be Sat OCt 28th. from noon to 3pm. We may have a local boyscout troop with us building rockets as well, but that has not yet been confirmed. Our business meeting will be that same day at 3pm. We will have some pizza and drinks so be sure to make it if you can!
August Launch Canceled
Hey everyone,
Unfortunately the Air Force has contacted us and has rescinded their permission for us to launch this weekend. They will not let us launch on Saturday OR Sunday, not even with lowered altitude ceilings (I tried everything!!), While the AF has, in the past, not allowed us to launch on a Saturday, we have always been able to launch on at least the next day on Sunday. Unfortunately because they have denied permission on both days, we will not be able to launch again until September. This is because we are required to have an FAA waiver on our launch days. At the end of each year, I submit the entire year in advance to ensure we have our waivers in order. This process takes several months, so even if I were to put in a waiver today, it would not be approved until November at the earliest, which , as you can see, is a little late for an August launch date.
Our launch site location is pretty good, and has been utilized for over 20 years by the MDAR group. However, for SKAR, it has been a pain in the butt. We have to request special permission from the AF each month, and never know until a few days before if we are launching on a saturday or a sunday. This can be very frustrating for members, especially those that come out from farther away. Due to this issue, and this weekends completely cancellation without any reason given, Kevin and I have decided that we are going to search for a new launch location. One that is not in the R2515 or R2508 complex. Or any restricted airspace for that matter. I have gotten a lead on a couple of locations closer to Rosamond and will be checking them out this weekend. Hopefully one of these will pan out and we can have a much more stable launch schedule.
We will maintain the current launch site until a new one is ready, and the appropriate FAA waivers have been submit.
July Launch and other events!
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the late notice, it took awhile to get confirmation back from the Air Force due to the holiday being on Tuesday. We are go for launch on Saturday, 9am to 2pm (though we tend to start picking up around noon most days). As usual, we will be launching just north of Ariel Acres, you can get location information at http://www.skarclub.org/launch-information/
Also, we have our first community class being taught, Introduction to Rocketry, with a workshop. You can find out more information and registered here: http://www.skarclub.org/event/skar-101skar-101l-introduction-to-rocketry-w-workshop/
Lastly, due to our low memberships, we did not have enough nominations for officer positions to hold an election this year. As such, our current administration will continue to run until next year, where hopefully our membership will increase enough to have elections again. If you are interested in helping out, please attend the business meetings!
That is all for now!
Notice of Proposal to change Article 7 of the SKAR Bylaws
Proposal 2017-001: Proposed Amendment of Bylaws for Southern Kern Aeronautics and Rocketry Club
Effected Article:
Article 7: Board of Directors
Due to low membership, and non-sufficient number of volunteers to hold board positions, it is being proposed that the number of board members be reduced from seven to five. This proposal would eliminate two Senior Advisor positions.
SKAR has had two full year terms and a six-month interim term for officers. During these terms, the six-month interim term and the first full year term held two advisors that volunteered to help the club form, but were not fully interested in the club activities, and thus did not participate in either club events or administration of the club.
During the second full year term, the club was unable to fill one of the advisor positions, and relied on one member to hold a position as both the Vice President as well as the Secretary/Treasurer.
On investigation, it has been found that while a board of seven provides the best opportunity to represent members in the administration of the club, that the club is not yet large enough to require seven representatives.
Current Edition:
“The Board of Directors of this club shall include the three (3) officers and the four (4) Senior Advisors.”
Proposed Revised Edition:
“The Board of Directors of this club shall include the three (3) officers and the two (2) Senior Advisors.”
This proposed change to the Southern Kern Aeronautics and Rocketry Bylaws will be voted on both in an online poll linked from the club website and FaceBook Group site, as well as at the business meeting set to occur on 24 Jun 2017. All members are hereby advised of this action. Online voting will be held between 0930 12 June 2017 to 2359 25 June 2017.
Monthly Launch June 2017!
It’s time for our monthly launch! Come join us! Show off your rockets!
north of Hwy 58, outside of Aerial Acres, at 35° 6′ 17.2008″,-117° 47′ 42.1188″ 9 am to 2 pm!
Rocket Lab Build Session Tomorrow!
Just a reminder for everyone, we have our monthly build session tomorrow in Rosamond. The session will be held at 6843 Elder Ave in the large shop on the right of the property. Bring your own kit to build or just come hang out. Session starts at noon and ends at 3pm! I have water available but if you need any other drinks please bring them. I also have plenty of tools and stuff if anyone needs anything or forgets something!
Branch Elementary’s 5th Annual Edwards Intermediate Space Challenge!
Hey everyone!
It’s that time of year again, when Branch Elementary holds their annual Edwards Intermediate Space Challenge! SKAR has volunteered to help the kids build rockets, and to help run their launch for the last two years, and I am hoping we can get enough volunteers together to help out again this year. Unfortunately I will be out of town for the first week and will not be able to personally support this as much as I have in the past. If anyone is interested in helping out, I have below the email from Kim Cantrell who runs the program, please get in contact with her and let her know you are from SKAR and are willing to help. Having base access is easiest, but even if you don’t I beleive the school can sponsor you on for the day(s) you wish to help. See info below!
Good morning everyone!
Branch Elementary is hosting our 5th Annual Edwards Intermediate Space Challenge on May 23, 2017 from 10 a.m.- noon. Community volunteers are needed to make this event a success! The Branch “Rocket Lab” will open May 9 through May 18, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Rocket building mentors are needed to guide students through the process of assembling a “Big Daddy” model rocket kit. Mentors are free to set their own schedule during our “open” hours. Launch crew members and recovery personnel are needed on May 23, from 9:30 – 12:30, to ensure a safe and exciting event for all. We are looking for rocket integration and banner design judges also. Judging of team rockets and banners will be May 19, throughout the day. Rocket experience is not necessary, so please, come spend a few fun hours with us! Please contact Kim Cantrell, Branch Elementary, 760-285-0058 or kcantrell@muroc.k12.ca.us to sign up and help Branch students.
Please feel free to forward this email to other wonderful volunteers! Thank you for giving your time and talents to challenge a new generation of creative thinkers.
With kind regards,
Kim Cantrell
EISC Coordinator
Branch Elementary
661-258-4418 – School
(Personal cell removed but available if needed just email SKAR)