Introduction to Rocketry Syllabus
Instructor Information
Instructor | ||
Christopher R. Birkinbine | |
General Information
A beginner’s course to the field and hobby of amateur rocketry. Learn the basics of the hobby, a bit of history, about the national associations, and local laws.
Expectations and Goals
Students taking this course can expect to gain enough knowledge to safely and comfortably being a hobby of amateur rocketry. Included in the course is information relating to the basics of the hobby, laws and governing organizations and associations, usage of airspace as it pertains to rocketry, as well as a little bit of history.
The goal of the course to become comfortable with the hobby, and to know what questions you need to ask to get started, as well as hopefully some of the answers.
Course Materials
Required Materials
No materials required.
Optional Materials
Pen and paper, laptop, tablet or some other method of note taking as important organizational names and urls will be given.
Further Reading
The History of rockets -Book- Miller, Ron
Handbook of Model Rocketry –Book- Stine, G. Harry
Make: rockets -Book- Westerfield, Mike
Rocket Building 101 DVD, Apogee Components
Course Outline
- What is a Rocket?
- History of Amateur Rocketry
- Anatomy of a Rocket
- Rockets today
- Model Rockets
- Mid Powered Rockets
- High Powered rockets
- Rocket Science
- The Rocket Equation
- Stability (CG and CP)
- Societies
- Certifications
- Lvl 1
- Lvl 2
- Lvl 3
- Local Groups
- Regulating Authorities
- Federal – FAA
- State
- County
- Local Airspace
- Questions
Additional Information and Resources
Additional information can be found:
National Association of Rocketry
Southern Kern Aeronautics and Rocketry
Electronic code of Federal Regulations 101 Moored Balloons, Kites, Amateur Rockets and Unmanned Free Balloons